Source code for

import webbrowser
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib import urlencode

from lxml import etree as ET

from ..standard.schema import get_schema
from ..standard.xsd_schema import XSDSchema
from ..utils.abstract import GenericSet
from ..utils.exceptions import SchemaError
from ..utils.querybuilder import XPathQueryBuilder

[docs]class Organisation(object): """Class representing an IATI organisation.""" def __init__(self, etree, dataset=None, schema=None): self.etree = etree self.dataset = dataset self._schema = schema self.version = self.schema.version def __repr__(self): id_ = self.org_identifier id_ = id_ if id_ else '[No identifier]' return '<{} ({})>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, id_)
[docs] def show(self): """Open a new browser tab to the page for this organisation. """ params = {'publisher': self.org_identifier} url = '{}#view=main'.format( urlencode(params)) webbrowser.open_new_tab(url)
@property def schema(self): return self._schema @property def xml(self): """Return the raw XML of this organisation, as a byte-string.""" return bytes(ET.tostring(self.etree, pretty_print=True)) @property def org_identifier(self): """Return the org-identifier for this organisation, or ``None`` if it isn't provided. """ id_ = self.schema.org_identifier().run(self.etree) if id_: return id_[0].strip() return None def validate_iati(self): etree = ET.Element('iati-organisations') etree.set('version', self.version) etree.append(self.etree) xsd_schema = XSDSchema('organisation', self.version) return xsd_schema.validate(etree) @property def id(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Alias of ``org_identifier``.""" return self.org_identifier
[docs]class OrganisationSet(GenericSet): """Class representing a grouping of ``Organisation`` objects. Objects in this grouping can be filtered and iterated over. Queries are only constructed and run when needed, so they can be efficient. """ _key = 'org_identifier' _multi_filters = [ 'id', 'org_identifier', 'xpath', ] _instance_class = Organisation _filetype = 'organisation' _element = '/iati-organisations/iati-organisation' def __init__(self, datasets, **kwargs): super(OrganisationSet, self).__init__() self.wheres = kwargs self.datasets = datasets def __len__(self): total = 0 for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.filetype != self._filetype: continue if not dataset.validate_xml(): continue try: schema = get_schema(dataset.filetype, dataset.version) except SchemaError: continue prefix = self._element query = XPathQueryBuilder( schema, prefix=prefix, count=True ).where(**self.wheres) total += int(dataset.etree.xpath(query)) return total def _query(self, schema=None): if schema is None: schema = get_schema(self._filetype, '2.03') return XPathQueryBuilder( schema, prefix=self._element, ).where(**self.wheres) def __iter__(self): for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.filetype != self._filetype: continue if not dataset.validate_xml(): continue try: schema = get_schema(dataset.filetype, dataset.version) except SchemaError: continue organisation_etrees = dataset.etree.xpath(self._query(schema)) for tree in organisation_etrees: yield self._instance_class(tree, dataset, schema)